If the courts grant you bail, a bail bondsman can work to post bail on your behalf, helping you to get out of jail. This allows you to continue to work, spend time with your family, and work on your defense until your case is resolved or your case goes to trial. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and myths pertaining to bail and the role of a bail bondsman. Here are a few of the most common myths and the truth surrounding these myths.
You Pay a Bail Bondsman the Full Amount of Bail to Get Out of Jail
One of the myths surrounding bail bondsmen is that you have to pay a bondsman your full bail amount to get them to post bail for you. For example, if bail was set at $5,000, most people think you have to pay a bail bonds company $5,000. The truth is that bail companies charge a percentage of your bail amount. In most states, bonds companies are capped at anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the bond amount. As such, you would pay a bail bondman $500 to $750 to post a $5,000 bond on your behalf.
A Bail Bondsman Can Work to Get Bail Set or Get Bail Reduced
Another common myth pertaining to bail bondmen is that they can work to get bail set or reduced. This is not true. A criminal defense attorney or a public defender will work to get bail set or reduced through a bail hearing with the court. A bail bonds company has nothing to do with getting bail set or what it is set at.
You Are Released From Jail Once a Bail Bondsman Posts Bail
Another common myth is that you will be immediately released from jail once a bail bondsman posts bail on your behalf. Jails have to process inmates before releasing them. In most states, jails have up to 24 hours to release an inmate once bail has been posted. A bail bonds company does not have any control over what time a jail releases inmates.
You Get Your Money Back If You Are Found Not Guilty or Charges Are Dropped
The last common myth is that a bail bondsman will give you your money back if the charges against you are dropped or you are found not guilty. A bail bondsman charges you a fee to post bail on your behalf. As they are charging for a service that they have completed, they do not refund the money under any circumstances, including being sent back to jail, being found not guilty, or having charges dropped or dismissed.
If you or a loved one have been arrested and bail has been set, a bail bondsman can work with you or your family to help post bond and get you out of jail as quickly as possible. Reach out to a local bail bonds company to start the process of bailing out of jail.